Role of National Innovation Systeminfo
There are institutions/organisations at national level created to augment the firms' initiatives to innovations.
Together the support system is grouped as National Innovation System (NIS).
The effectiveness of the NSI is examined by the extent of its use by the innovative firms at the State/UT levels.
This dashboard presents correlation between components of National Level Innovation Support System (1. Educational Institutes as source of knowledge, 2. R&D institutions as source of knowledge, 3. Institutional source of finance, and 4. Training in institutions) and innovation potentiality of the States/UTs.
How to interact with the dashboard?
Use the top-most tabs to switch between 2 different representations of the correlation namely line chart and scatter plot.
Below the tabs are switches to choose one of National Level Innovation Support System Indicator;
the one selected here gets plotted in the graphs.
Hover on a point of line chart to see exact values.
Also, hover on a symbol of scatter plot to see exact values.
There is disconnect between the supply and demand system.
It can been seen that accessing institutional facilities for technological support to innovation is quite high in a few states, like, Assam, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya etc.
But for states like Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu – states that are known to be innovation leaders – have poor records in accessing institutional support system for technological knowledge and information.
Accessing institutional sources of finance is very rare among the innovative firms.
Similarly institutional training programme for human resource development is also rarely accessed.