Role of Sectoral Innovation Systeminfo
Sectoral Innovation System (SIS) has been captured through the following two indicators:
This dashboard presents correlation between innovation potentiality of the States/UTs and 1. IAS and 2. CSSI of the States/UTs.
How to interact with the dashboard?
Use the top-most tabs to switch between 2 different representations of the correlation namely line chart and scatter plot.
Below the tabs are switches to choose one of Sector Level Innovation Support System Indicator;
the one selected here gets plotted in the graphs. Hover on a point of line chart to see exact values.
Also, hover on a symbol of scatter plot to see exact values.
Innovation potentiality has negative correlation with Comparative Status of Sectoral Innovation (CSSI) and high positive correlation with Innovation Alignment of Sectors (IAS).
These indicate that the presence of the sector that has high innovation potentiality can improve the innovation eco-system of the states.